Manca Krošelj is an artist from Ljubljana, Slovenia, working at the intersection of many interests, mainly illustration, visual communication and landscape architecture.

Her formal educational background comes from the field of landscape architecture. In 2017 she graduated at the University of Ljubljana, Biotehnical faculty, at the Department of Landscape Architecture, where she is currently employed as a researcher.

Manca’s focus has always been inclined towards exploring various ways of visual expression, either through the lens of scientific research or fictional narrative. Her favorite media are paper, digital workspace and also clay. Recently, she has been captivated by visual story-telling, where she tries to humor herself by exploring and depicting everyday life lessons. 


Mestni turizem v Sloveniji: značilnosti in upravljanje 
(Biotehniška fakulteta UL, 2022)
YRBK 2019/2020: Letna knjiga študijskega programa krajinska arhitektura (Biotehniška fakulteta UL, 2021)
Medicinska bakteriologija z mikologijo in parazitologijo 
(Medicinska fakulteta UL, IMI, 2020)
Osnove medicinske imunologije (
Medicinska fakulteta UL, IMI, 2020)
Praktikum iz mikrobiologije za študente laboratorijske biomedicine (Medicinska fakulteta UL, IMI, 2019)

Več kot cesta do mesta (Inštitut za politike prostora, 2018)
Reach for the stars 3: delovni učbenik za angleščino v 3. razredu osnovne šole (DZS, 2017)
Imunološki priročnik (Medicinska fakulteta UL, IMI, 2016)

VIII. Sejem ilustracije, group sales exhibition, Galerija Vodnikove domačije Šiška, Ljubljana, 3.–24. 12. 2022
VELVET 3, Hiša erotične ilustracije, Odnos do telesa, group exhibition, Galerija Račka, Celje, 18. 11.–30. 12. 2022
The Festival of Illustrations – Ilustrofest 2022, international group exhibition, Kalemegdan Park, Belgrade (Serbia), 15.–22. 7. 2022
Manca Krošelj: Mesto knjige – večjezičnost, solo exhibition, Carinarnica, Nova Gorica, 5.–
25. 5. 2022
Osmomarčevski pop-up sejem, group sales exhibition, Galerija Vodnikove domačije Šiška, Ljubljana, 1.–25. 3. 2022
IVANKA na kavo, NIKOLAJ po umetnost, pop-up art sale, Galerija in okvirjevalnica Ivanka Nikolaj, Idrija, 20.–23. 12. 2021
Knjige pod jelkami, group sales exhibition, Mesto knjige, Nova Gorica, 16.–31. 12. 2021
Ljubi / ne ljubi, international group exhibition, Galerija Media Nox, Maribor, 9. 7.–30. 8. 2021
The Festival of Illustrations – Ilustrofest, international group exhibition, Kalemegdan Park, Belgrade (Serbia), 22.–25. 7. 2021
VI. decembrski sejem ilustracije, group sales exhibition, Galerija Vodnikove domačije Šiška, Ljubljana, 3.–29. 12. 2020

Winner in the category of illustrations in magazine, The Festival of Illustrations – Ilustrofest 2022 (for illustrations in the magazine Razpotja, nr. 46 – space, Društvo humanistov Goriške), Belgrade, Serbia, 2022